There are a lot of companies that were born out of backyards, garages, and even dorm rooms, Anos Research Manufacturing (ARM) is one of them, the difference? A lot of them focused on earning money while ARM focused on developing products that help in the daily lives of people, income comes second… ARM, originally Anos Research Philippines, was founded in 1976 by Alfredo M. Anos Sr. the ‘Godfather of Filipino Inventors’ in a small backyard in Quezon City, Philippines.
What started out as an outlet for his ingenuity became a world-renowned company because of his multi-awarded inventions. Some of his inventions were the Solar Concentrator (solanos), Wind Power Generator, Variable Light, and Water Pumps, the latter was innovated both as an Irrigation Pump and a Fire Pump. In 1994, Teofista A. Anos, wife of Alfredo, renamed it Anos Research Manufacturing and focused solely on developing and marketing the Anos Fire Pump by integrating it into a truck and thereby creating the country’s only true locally manufactured fire truck.
Since then, the company has sold over 540 Fire Trucks all over the Philippines, catering both to the government and the private sector. Every Anos Fire Truck is built to last, each fire truck comes with a Lifetime Free-Service Warranty and all clients are assured of prompt parts replacement since all parts are of proprietary designs and are made of locally sourced materials. To add, each unit that ARM manufactures provides employment to close to 1,000 Filipino families. From their 200 gallons Light-Responder to their 1,500 gallons 3-in-1 Guardian, each model emphasizes that an Anos Fire Truck is truly a product by the Filipino, for the Filipino, and from the Filipino.
ARM doesn’t stop there, as the name implies, ARM continues to research and has now expanded its product line-up to include Ambulances as well as Military Vehicles. The company’s Chief Designer, John Martin Garcia, promises that this is just the beginning and that the first Military Vehicle, Squad Vehicle Charlie, will enable the company to not only come up with indigenous Armored Military Vehicles but also target private individuals with a civilian version of the Charlie. This move will not only reinvigorate the country’s Self-Reliant Defense Posture (SRDP) program but also boost the local manufacturing industry of the Philippines. As the first original and proprietary military vehicle manufacturer, ARM is living up to its mission to promote Filipino Products, Filipino Ingenuity, and Filipino Patriotism.